Thursday, September 9, 2010

Holidays with Breanne

During the Holidays of 2009, I spent some AMAZING quality time with a Gorgeous woman named Breanne. Oh my goodness... she was so sweet! So bubbly and fun!
She's a movie star!! Seriously! Don't believe me? Look for yourselfHERE...

oh and I forgot to say where I went....hehe

I posted about it back in January (click HERE) but I never got around to posting the pics!

here are just a few!
Breanne's been really busy filming... but as she gets some free time, she's going to send me more pics!

Thanks Breanne!!! My heart is still with you. ;)

Denmark is the smallest of the Scandinavian countries (half the size of Maine), Denmark occupies the Jutland peninsula, a lowland area. The country also consists of several islands in the Baltic Sea; the two largest are Sjælland, the site of Copenhagen, and Finland.

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